TVT and TVTO are minimally invasive surgical operations to treat stress urinary incontinence in women. Techniques basically involve the placing of a mesh tape underneath the mid-urethra, providing support to it and thus averting involuntary leakage. During this procedure, the tape is placed through a small incision made in the wall of the vagina and exits via two small abdominal incisions. The TVTO technique runs the tape through the obturator foramen, a bony structure in the pelvis with exits in the groin area. In general, both techniques are associated with very low rates of complications and rapid recovery time. The procedures are generally done under local anesthesia, although sometimes they require general anesthesia. Standard after-care includes management for pain and avoidance of heavy lifting. Success rates with these types of procedures are high, with many patients walking away with significantly increased control over their urinary continence. These include infection, tape erosion, urinary retention, and others. Patients must discuss these options with their health provider so that the most appropriate treatment will be determined.